The 13 Original Colonies

The Thirteen Provinces were a progression of English settlements over the Atlantic coast of North America between 1607-1733. Every state was self represented the way the general population needed it to be. The states started with Virginia and finished with Georgia.


The primary state was Virginia. The main town was Jamestown. Jamestown was the capital of Virginia until the point when it was changed to Williamsburg.


Plymouth District and Massachusetts Straight State were joined to make the Area of Massachusetts.

The majority of the pioneers and governors were puritans, however different religions were endured.


While graphing Massachusetts, William and Mary likewise appointed New Hampshire. It was named after Hampshire province in Britain., and at to begin with, was a piece of Massachusetts. At in the first place, New hampshire was uninterested in autonomy however in the long run, the upheaval spread all through the settlement.

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